GPP S.A. is an entity that has been operating since 1995. During the first ten years of its operation as a subsidiary of Górnośląska Agencja Przekształceń Przedsiębiorstw S.A., it changed its name several times. In 2005, the general meeting of the Company’s shareholders amended the Company’s articles of association accordingly, giving it the name Górnośląski Park Przemysłowy sp. z o.o. In 2017, the entity was transformed into GPP Business Park S.A. In 2022, the transformation took place again.
Since 2005, GPP S.A. has been transforming post-industrial areas located on the border of the cities of Katowice and Siemianowice Śląskie into a modern economic activity and innovation zone. These activities are aimed at promoting sustainable energy-efficient civil engineering as well as protecting the environment and improving the biodiversity of the post-industrial area.